The Palau Aquarium is the interpretive division of Palau International Coral Reef Center, a non-profit organization which opened ten years ago and has become one of the best land based attractions for tourists and locals alike. It offers enlightening, first hand experiences to inspire understanding and respect of Palau’s natural marine ecosystems. Comprised of ten (10) sub-themed aquariums that convey details of 17 specific habitats, the exhibits recreate the breathtakingly beautiful marine environments and animal species found in those environments.
Visitors can experience the wonders of the sea without even getting their feet wet. The adventure begins with a look at the many geological wonders found in Palau, including the famous Rock Islands. Next, observe the tentacle-like roots of the mangroves where life in the sea begins. The, one can look closer to see a school of archerfish stunning their prey by spitting beads of water, or the pulsating rhythms of an upside-down jellyfish. Further along the winding path, past the Sea grass Bed to the Inner Reef, reside a green sea turtle, white-tip shark, groupers, giant trivially and the Aquarium’s resident napoleon wrasse. Lastly, a diversity of corals and polyp-feeding butterfly fish in the Reef Crest await at the end of this journey. For more information, visit